
Igor Contreras Zubillaga


Institution de rattachement: EHESS
Laboratoire de rattachement: CRAL

Titre de la thèse: "L'avant-garde musicale espagnole sous le franquisme. Une histoire politique" (Mention Spéciale du Jury au Prix de thèse PSL en SHS, 2018).

As previous research has shown, the Spanish musical avant-garde originated under Franco and then forged long-lasting and close connections with State institutions. According to these studies, composers used official organizations as depoliticized spaces in which they could develop their autonomous artistic activity. Thus, most scholars have focused on critical attitudes towards the regime and ignored issues regarding the proximity of these musicians with Franco’s government.
This research aims to reconstruct and analyse the relationship between the Spanish musical avant-garde and the Francoist regime in all its complexity. In order to do so, we will closely examine elements—behaviour, rhetoric, events, productions—which show the proximity of certain composers to the political sphere as well as the support that the State provided for them. Situated at the crossroads between history and musicology, this study offers a new perspective on the cultural and political history of Francoism and, moreover, contributes to a general reflection on the interpenetration of music and politics, particularly under dictatorial regimes.
Keywords: Music in Francoist Spain, Cultural History of Francoist Spain, Music and Politics, 20th Century Spanish Music, Musical Avant-Garde.

Igor Contreras Zubillaga is British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Huddersfield (UK). He obtained his PhD from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales of Paris in 2017 with a dissertation on the Spanish musical avant-garde during Franco’s dictatorship (Jury’s Special Mention at the ‘Prix de Thèse PSL en Sciences humaines et sociales’, 2018). His books include the monograph "Tant que les révolutions ressemblent à cela". L'avant-garde musicale sous Franco (Éditions horizons d'attente, 2021), and the edited volumes Composing for the State: Music in Twentieth-Century Dictatorships (Routledge, 2016), À l’avant-garde! Art et politique dans les années 1960 et 1970 (Peter Lang, 2013), and Le son des rouages. Représentations des rapports homme-machine dans la musique du 20e siècle (Éditions Delatour France, 2011). He is co-founder and member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Transposition. Musique et sciences sociales ( for which he has edited two issues: ‘Musique et théorie queer/Music and Queer Theory’ (nº 3, 2013) and, with Talia Bachir-Loopuyt, ‘Musique, histoire, sociétés. Les études sur la musique à l’EHESS’ (hors-série 1, 2018). His current research project concerns music and the transition to democracy in post-Francoist Spain.

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