
Gaby David

Coordonnées professionnelles


Sujet de recherche :

Images mobiles: l’histoire d'une appropriation vernaculaire et intime

Sous la direction de André Gunthert

Gaby David, Uruguayan, living in Paris, is a PhD Candidate in Visual Cultural Studies, at the “Centre of history and theory of arts” in the EHESS École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. She holds a Masters in Fine Arts and is a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. Gaby has taught English and Visual Culture in places such as the Parisian Parsons School of Arts and Design, Sciences Po Rennes and enterprise frames. With a strong dance-theatre background, her portfolio also includes many art exhibitions and performances. She has spoken at various international conferences (Budapest, Manchester, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Turku, Daegu, Covilhã) and participated in several seminars, always centering her research on the visual mobile mediascape. Her thesis project focuses on “Mobile images as a story of an intimate and vernacular appropriation”.

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